Share capital distribution

As communicated by “other relevant information” registered with the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) on 18 June 2024 with registration number 29190, the board of directors, in accordance with the delegation granted by the ordinary general shareholders’ meeting, has resolved on the Bank’s share capital reduction through a cancellation of own shares acquired in the share buy-back programme, the beginning and termination of which Banco Santander properly notified to the market through the notice of inside information published on 19 February 2024 with registration number 2114 and the aforementioned notice of other relevant information published on 18 June 2024 with registration number 29190, respectively.

Banco Santander’s share capital has been reduced by EUR 165,652,500 through the cancellation of 331,305,000 own shares. Consequently, the resulting Bank’s share capital has been set at EUR 7,747,136,786, represented by 15,494,273,572 shares with a nominal value of EUR 0.50 each, all of them of the same class and series.

The public deed regarding the corporate resolutions on the capital reduction and the consequent amendment of Article 5 of the Bank’s By-laws has been registered in the Commercial Registry of Santander, on 1 July 2024. On 4 July, took place the delisting of the 331,305,000 cancelled shares from the Spanish and foreign stock exchanges or stock markets on which the Bank’s shares are listed, and the cancellation of the book-entry records of the cancelled shares before the competent bodies will both be requested.

Distribución del capital social por tipo de accionista
28 June 2024
Shares Capital stock %
Board 194,634,545 1.26%
Institutional 9,140,179,976 58.99%
Retail 6,159,459,051 39.75%
Total 15,494,273,572 100.00%

Distribución geográfica del capital social
28 June 2024
Geographical area Capital stock (%)
Europe 72.63%
America 25.93%
Rest 1.44%

Distribución del accionariado y capital social por tramos
28 June 2024
Share holdings Shareholders Shares Share capital %
1 - 200 2,090,862 182,920,075 1.18%
201 - 1.000 668,220 425,470,359 2.75%
1.001 - 3.000 422,569 732,474,861 4.73%
3.001 - 30.000 316,205 2,615,633,853 16.88%
30.001 - 400.000 28,105 1,806,556,305 11.66%
More than 400.000 778 9,731,218,119 62.80%
Total 3,526,739 15,494,273,572 100.00%