
209,553 employees

in June 2024

209,553 employees

in June 2024




168 mn

of customers

€ 1,027 bn

customer loans

€ 1,786 bn

total assets

€ 1,171 bn

customer deposits + mutual funds

168 mn

of customers

€ 1,027 bn

customer loans

€ 1,786 bn

total assets

€ 1,171 bn

customer deposits + mutual funds

Note: customer loans excluding reverse repos and customer deposits excluding repos

Data as of June 2024


3.5 million

of shareholders

3.5 million

of shareholders

Increased profitability, shareholder remuneration and returns

+19.2 %

YoY growth EPS (Earnings per share)

16.3 %

RoTE (1)

+12% vs. Jun-23

TNAVps + Cash DPS

+19.2 %

YoY growth EPS (Earnings per share)

16.3 %

RoTE (1)

+12% vs. Jun-23

TNAVps + Cash DPS

(1) Data are presented annualizing the impact of the temporary levy on revenue earned in Spain. Without annualizing its impact: 15.9%.

Data as of June 2024