Santander Bank Polska customers can access Santander Open (the new payment initiation service) to send Elixir transfers from non-SBP accounts via Santander Internet and aggregate accounts with other banks such as ING and Millennium.

Warsaw, 02 Oct 2020
In June, Santander Bank Polska set up open banking for customers. Customers can check their balance with selected banks online and on their mobiles with Santander Bank Polska. On Santander Internet, customers can also easily initiate payments with domestic Elixir transfers (other types of bank transfers to come) from PKO BP, Pekao S.A., Alior Bank, ING and T-Mobile Banking Services. 

We’re constantly improving on our products and providing services that will help our customers with banking online. The PIS (payment initiation service) will enhance not only management of personal finances, but also payments from accounts with various banks. We’re constantly working on developing services in line with APIs and PSD2’, says Alina Ofierska-Danielewicz, a development manager at Santander Bank Polska.

Payment initiation in simple steps

Santander Open lets Santander Bank Polska customers order domestic Elixir transfers from aggregated accounts with other banks (PKO BP, Pekao S.A., Alior Bank, ING and T-Mobile Banking Services). This function requires activating the PIS in a few simple steps. For online banking, customers should start by selecting 'Santander Open – add your accounts from other banks’ to see a list of banks (comprising Alior Bank, BNP Paribas, ING, Millennium, PKO BP, Pekao S.A., and T-Mobile Banking Services). To add an account with one of them to Santander Open, they should select the bank; then they must accept regulations and give required consent, which will be valid for 90 days. The last step is to log in to the bank of the account and confirm aggregation.

Added accounts will be seen under the ‘Your products’ tab on Santander Internet and the mobile app on any device. 

When customers add an account, they can easily initiate an Elixir transfer from another bank:

  1. On Santander Internet, click ‘transfer’ next to the account with another bank. Currently, customers can initiate złoty payments from Alior Bank, ING, PKO BP, Pekao S.A., and T-mobile Banking Services.
  2. Next, customers need to indicate the recipient, amount and the title of the transfer. They can also select a recipient previously defined on Santander Internet. 
  3. Lastly, customers should log in to the bank of the account and confirm the transfer.

Transfers are performed under the time and fee schedule of the bank of the account. The bank never receives the funds being transferred at any stage. The system design makes the user experience secure, intuitive and quick.

Press Office of Santander Bank Polska