The Santander Sustainability Scholarships | Skills for the Green Transition – Cambridge Judge Business School are for anyone wishing to play an active role in green initiatives at work or shift their career towards sustainability.

This international online programme will provide the necessary tools to create solutions for a more sustainable future.

Applications can be submitted at until 9 June.

Madrid, 7 April 2022.
Banco Santander and in partnership with Cambridge Judge Business School, a world-leading research institution on sustainability issues, is offering 1,000 Santander Sustainability Scholarships | Skills for the Green Transition – Cambridge Judge Business School.

They are aimed at people who would like to play an active role in green initiatives in their working environment, regardless of sector, or who wish to reorient their professional career towards sustainability. These scholarships are available to residents of 13 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Spain, United States, UK and Uruguay).

This six-week international programme, which is fully online, will provide a global view of the environmental problems and challenges we face, such as biodiversity loss, deforestation, renewable energies, the circular economy, and the leadership skills required for the energy transition through examples and success stories of companies with strong track records in the application of ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) criteria.

It will also provide the necessary tools to participate in sustainable initiatives developed in professional environments, analyse their impact and understand how companies are reacting to address climate change.

Applications for the grants can be submitted until 9 June via this link. They are free of charge and applicants do not need a university degree or to be a customer of the bank. Participants will receive a "Certificate of Completion" awarded by Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education.

According to Blanca Sagastume, Group Executive Vice President Santander Universities, "the green transition is the greatest and most pressing challenge that we face as a society. It is a challenge that requires awareness, education and tools if it is to be addressed at both the individual and institutional levels. This is the purpose of this programme which, in partnership with a partner as prestigious as the Cambridge Judge Business School, will offer great added value to its participants."

Professor Mauro Guillén, Dean of Cambridge Judge Business School, says that “achieving sustainable growth is easily the greatest challenge we face today.  As such I am proud to say that the University of Cambridge and Cambridge Judge Business School are at the vanguard of efforts to understand the complexities of this challenge and how we might address them.  We are well past the point of seeing this as a future problem and must actively engage in initiatives that address this urgent problem.  I was therefore delighted and honoured to be invited to collaborate with Banco Santander in this important effort to spread the knowledge and capability we already possess to make a difference.  I´m sure that this will be an important contribution to both of our efforts and I look forward building further initiatives together in the future”.

Banco Santander and its support for higher education

Banco Santander, the leader in responsible banking, is firmly committed to progress and inclusive sustainable growth. It has a pioneering and long-standing commitment to education, entrepreneurship and employment through Santander Universities, which has been operating in this area for over 25 years, setting it apart from the world's other financial institutions. Since its launch, the bank has allocated over 2.1 billion euros and supported more than 790,000 students, professionals and entrepreneurial projects through agreements with around 1,000 universities and institutions in 15 countries.

About Cambridge Judge Business School

Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS) is part of the University of Cambridge; one of the most prestigious universities in the world.  The University has a major focus in developing technologies to combat climate change.  For its part, Cambridge Judge Business School boasts 19 research centres across many subject areas and strives to make a real difference to the world of business and wider society.  Sustainability is a key focus area, with multiple initiatives as well as rafts of research on how society and business can and must respond to the complex challenges of securing economic development whilst protecting our planet.  CJBS Executive Education is dedicated to offering compelling programmes drawn directly from the research generated by Cambridge Judge faculty.