• This initiative will distribute more than 90,000 euros and seeks to contribute to the development of new technological companies and businesses that generate social, environmental and commercial impact.

The fifth edition of Brain Chile (Business, Research, Acceleration, and Innovation) has closed its call with 624 entrepreneurs registered and 276 projects received, this is 16% more than last year. It is the second year that the call is made through Santander X, achieving the internationalization of the program with 25% of applications from other countries.

This program for accelerating scientific-technological-based university ventures is promoted by Banco Santander through Santander Universities, the UC Anacleto Angelini Innovation Center in Chile and the School of Engineering and the Transfer and Development Management of the Catholic University. The objective is to contribute to the development of initiatives that have a high impact on industry and society.

Registrations, made through Santander X - the global entrepreneurship platform promoted by the bank - and Brain Chile, were for students, scientists and researchers; 32% undergraduate and 38% professional.

For Adriana Tortajada, Global Director of Entrepreneurship at Santander Universities, "Santander X aspires to become an open platform associated with the best universities in the world and other actors of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, providing connections and resources that support and encourage entrepreneurs to progress and achieve a positive impact on society.

José Manuel Manzano, manager of the Bank's Business and Institutional Banking Division in Chile, stressed that "new technologies and innovation are the path for a country that needs to develop its economy and generate new options to continue growing. One of our missions is to contribute to the progress of people and companies, so participating in initiatives like this is fundamental for us.

Brain participants continue their entrepreneurial adventure

Once registration is closed, the best 35 projects will be selected to participate in "Braincamp". During one week they will receive training focused on business model, intellectual property, product design and commercial strategy. Then the 12 best teams will be chosen, who will receive 4,000 euros and three months of acceleration with mentoring and advice by international experts, workshops and prototyping laboratory, among others.

The nine winners of Brain Chile, which will share 50,000 euros, are going to be selected from this group of participants.

The internationalisation of the program is demonstrated by the launch of Brain Mexico this year and a pilot has been organised at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina.

Banco Santander's commitment to Education

Banco Santander is firmly committed to higher education through Santander Universities, a unique international initiative that distinguishes it from other financial institutions. Santander was distinguished as the private company that invests the most in support of education in the world (Varkey/UNESCO-Fortune 500 Report) with more than 1,200 collaboration agreements with universities and institutions in 21 countries.

Since 2002, it has allocated more than 1.7 billion euros to initiatives and academic programs and in 2018 alone it granted more than 73,000 scholarships and aid with the aim of contributing, through its support for education, to the progress of individuals, companies and society. More information at https://www.santander.com/universidades/