Santander is holding a global entrepreneurship challenge, supporting creative entrepreneurs around the world in finding solutions for a future changed by the coronavirus pandemic. 

"Coronavirus has changed our world, but we can shape this change. Now is the time for entrepreneurs because, when they see a challenge, they’re able to envision new solutions. That's why we're launching Santander X Tomorrow Challenge because we believe in them and in their ability to come up with answers to the serious problems that we're going to be facing in the near future," Ana Botín, Group executive chairman of Banco Santander.

Participants in the Santander X Tomorrow Challenge can win over EUR 1 million in cash prizes and other benefits, such as mentoring and support in the development of their projects, or marketing and publicity for their solution.

Entrepreneurs from all 14 countries where Santander Universities is present can register their projects at These projects should seek to tackle problems and help communities move towards a "new normal".

Projects can be submitted between 19 May and 2 July in any of the following four categories:

  • Re-Work: Solutions to help the unemployed get back into work or to help improve conditions for self-employed people.
  • Re-Skill: Solutions and projects that can help transform people's skills to adapt to new ways of working and new environments.
  • Re-Invent: Solutions to help businesses adapt to the rapid transformation of traditional business models, particularly those businesses and industries hit hardest by the crisis.
  • Re-Launch: Solutions that respond to a new economic paradigm and the opportunities arising from the new demands of society.  

We're facing an unprecedented challenge, and to help the community of entrepreneurs Santander, with Santander X, wants to be part of the solution and help us reinvent ourselves by using our creativity and solidarity to come out of this situation stronger than before. 

We’ll help you build tomorrow

Choose one of these four challenges and help society tackle the consequences of coronavirus and the changes it will bring. We'll help you build a tomorrow which cares about people's wellbeing, one which will help companies recover and one which cares about the environment. 

Scheduling/Key dates 

  • 19 May – Tomorrow Challenge open for entries.
  • 2 July – Deadline for submitting projects.
  • 3-14 July – Assessment of solutions submitted.
  • 15 July – Jury decides winning solutions.
  • 16 July – Ana Botín, Banco Santander Group executive chairman, announces winners.

Follow these three steps to submit your Santander X Tomorrow Challenge solution

  1. Accept the challenge. Register.
  2. Select your challenge: Re-Work, Re-Skill, Re-Invent, Re-Launch.
  3. Submit your solution. 

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