At the age of 23, Diana de Arias suffered a stroke that resulted in an acquired brain injury. After gruelling rehabilitation, she created Decedario, a tool to help differently abled people. Her company now benefits from a digital development grant through an aid programme for self-employed people with disabilities (Ayudas para Autónomos por y para la Discapacidad 2020) run by the Fundacion Universia and Santander. This is her story.

Diana de Arias is the CEO and founder of Decedario. “I’ve been trying to get over the after-effects of acquired brain injury since I was 23. Now that I have recovered, my goal is to help improve the quality of life of many others through Decedario, a cognitive stimulation tool for differently abled people,” according to Diana. 

However, despite the drive and daily efforts of many self-employed people like Diana, the covid-19 pandemic has left many small and medium-sized enterprises in dire straits. In May 2020, the Fundacion Universia, with support from Santander, launched its aid programme for self-employed people with disabilities, which promotes sustainability and inclusivity in Spain with equal opportunity and diversity

When Diana de Arias sought out the Fundacion Universia, she became one of 82 self-employed women selected to take their businesses digital for added value. “We could reposition ourselves and strengthen our digital capabilities thanks to the Fundacion Universia. It arrived at a time when we needed more energy and enthusiasm for this project. This just goes to show that entities and entrepreneurs coming together is really something we all need to make this world a little better,” she says.

Discover Diana’s story first-hand

The Fundacion Universia and Santander have offered robust and innovative solutions to 82 self-employed men and women in Spain, aspiring to uplift one of the hardest hit groups in the global coronavirus pandemic. Because this issue is fundamental to our bank, where we have always seen self-employed people as vital to the global economy, we are joining forces to provide support in various ways

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