Today is World Recycling Day to raise awareness of the importance of treating waste properly in order to protect the environment. The aim is to reduce the volume of waste generated and minimise our carbon footprint, a purpose that can be summed up in the three Rs rule: Reduce consumption, reuse and recycle.

In the following video, we tell you about the initiatives and the material and technological means deployed at Banco Santander's Corporate Centre to recycle as much waste as possible. A strategy that, thanks to everyone's efforts and commitment, has enabled us to recover more than 96% of the 1,040 tonnes of waste managed in the Santander Group City and the rest of the corporate buildings in 2021. 

This is how we recycle in the Santander Group City
This is how we recycle in the Santander Group City

Remember, the best waste is that which is not generated! Together we can reduce the consumption of disposable products.

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