IN 2023
636 universities

in 22 countries

IN 2023
636 universities

in 22 countries

Universia is the world's largest university network. It connects institutions, companies and talented people to create a large collaborative community that offers the best training and employability opportunities.

Universia aims to support talented young people through these three pillars:

  • Guidance: Personalized support for students that offers career and training advice to boost their employability.

  • Training: Opportunities to undertake courses (bootcamps and postgraduate studies) and training programmes that teach key job skills, with access to scholarships, discounts, ISAs, loans and other funding.

  • Employment: Connection with professional (internships or employment) and networking opportunit

“We want to be a sustainable platform for non-financial services, to be useful, and to become the bank of choice for university students”

Javier Roglá, global head of Santander Universities and CEO of Universia

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